Much has been made of Sasuki's personal and professional past in order to understand what had driven him to deviate from the norm of smiling and nodding to war criminals - as if psychoanalysis was really going to decipher the behaviour of anyone living in today's Iraq.
His picture will be splashed across newspapers throughout the world; His name will be endlessly repeated, but no statue will be erected in honour of his heroics, and he will soon be forgotten. Despite all that, Muntathar Zaidi's ten seconds of unforseen madness and/or commendable courage generated mixed reactions that seem to reflect Iraqi popular opinion. The majority's response has been full of admiration and verbal back-slapping, with a considerable minority denouncing his behaviour as erratic and unhelpful given the delicately-poised situation that Iraq is in. Irrespective of my opinion of his employers, Baghdadiya TV, I salute him and pray that he and his family face no repercussions. Some cynics will argue that Iraqis should've been hurling shoes decades earlier; perhaps, but the unspeakable terror of Saddam's thirty-five years of tyranny is simply unfathomable to our Burma-inspired and fashionably-democratic mentalities. Millions were killed in broad daylight whilst the international community stared indifferently. Hopefully, this will be the first of many acts of documented defiance.
In any case, feel free to watch the footage again... and again.. and again.
Target: Incumbent U.S president, George W. Bush.
Object: Size 10 black shoe.
Thrower: Muntathar Zaidi, on behalf of 9 out of 10 people in the world.